Friday, February 2, 2018

Joining In

I've been reading Quick Takes faithfully for several months now and have finally decided to take the plunge and join in. I thought I'd start with a few details about me, and we'll see where I go from there!

1. I was going to use the title "Type B Blogger" because I am very much not a type-A person and have often found myself discouraged by reading too many posts by people to whom I just can't relate. However, I googled "Type B" and the following dictionary definition came up:

Type B
    1. a personality type characterized as easygoing and thought to have low susceptibility to stress.

Whelp. There goes that idea. I like to think of myself as easygoing, but several years of marriage and two children have forced me to confront the fact that I am actually a Very Particular Person. One who, alas, is really quite susceptible to stress. So. On to...

2. Why Joy in the Mid-Morning? Because I am searching for joy, and it seems to come easiest (for me) right after the coffee has gone to work, and before I've had to give too much thought to what's for lunch (let alone what's for dinner). 

3. If this were a first date here's what I'd tell you: I am married to a wonderful man (yes, I realize the first-date analogy falls apart pronto, but bear with me) and we have two beautiful children. We gave our kids nicnames in utero and those are the names I'll be using for them on the blog. Sprout is a rambunctious 2 and half year old boy who is currently obsessed with Superman and firetrucks. Poppy is a cheerful and gregarious little 6 month old girl with a dimple under her right eye that makes hearts melt.

I was an English major in college (I'll save how that came to be and why I wish it hadn't for the second date) and I feel a little nervous putting that out there because I overthink my writing and I'm afraid telling you about my English background will make you overthink my writing too.

I'm a cradle-Catholic, although something of a revert. (That story is many, many dates away, sorry.)

My hobbies include gardening, baking, rearranging the house, starting books, day-dreaming, and occasional sewing projects. I don't understand long walks on the beach; hikes through the forest are more my style.

4. I read #3 out-loud to my husband (because I was overthinking it) and he says I'd get a second date. Phew! 

5. My husband, Eric, and I have been married for 3.5 years and, while we are far from perfect, we are striving to live our vocation faithfully, whole-heartedly, and intentionally. So far we have renewed our vows 5 times. We are married right good. Tomorrow we will be attending our Archdiocesan Newly Married Retreat (for couples married 7 years or less) for the fourth year. This is our second year helping on the core team and it has been a wonderful and enriching experience for us so far.

Each year they ask couples in their seventh year of marriage to stand up and share a piece of wisdom from their many years of experience. Even though our turn won't come for another 3 years, I already planned out what I would like to say because speaking in front of a crowd makes me Very Nervous and so I'm trying to be as well prepared as possible. Here, 3 years early, is my marriage advice:

Be kind. Speak gently. Say thank you, even for things that are assumed, like dishes, laundry, and help with the bedtime routine.

Maybe in three years I'll be better at following my own advice :)

6. I read a lot of articles. Eric reads a lot of articles and often passes them on to me. I save many of these articles on a Pinterest board. If you are ever bored and want to read something Noteworthy, check out my "archives."

7. I am already terrible with time management so blogging may or may not be my thing. Poorly managed time will tell. Eric suggested I at least pursue it through Lent - hopefully more as a discipline than as a penance!

Visit This Ain't the Lyceum for more 7QT here.


  1. As a fellow English major and incurable over-thinker, I can say with absolute honesty that you should rest assured: your writing is delightful. I discovered your blog through 7QT today and have enjoyed several posts. I am old enough to be your mother (the second of my five sons is your age), but I fee we are in many ways kindred spirits. I look forward to following along here.

    1. *feel

      Aarrgghh! Typos kill me. That's what I get for typing on my phone! Can you feel my pain? :)

  2. The dreaded typo - even when I know my intention is clear it's like pulling teeth not to correct it!
    Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, the reassurances made my day :)
